Free Couples' Intimacy Assessment
"Are You Ready To Fire Up Your Marriage Intimacy?"
Discover Customized Insights On Reviving Your Frustrating, Mundane, Or Flatlining Sex Life
And Taking Even The Most Watered-Down Relationship To Unprecedented Levels!


Take this free, short quiz
and get a tailored assessment on
ways to improve the intimacy in
YOUR relationship!
Stop Settling For A Mediocre Sex Life!
The Keys To Your Total Intimacy Are One Click Away!
Stop Settling For A Mediocre Sex Life!
The Keys To Your Total Intimacy Are One Click Away!


You or your partner feel anger, shame, resentment, indifference, low self-esteem, or depression because of a lack of sexual fulfillment – it’s either not happening nearly enough or it’s unsatisfying.

You or your partner have a hesitancy to initiate physical touch with the other because of fear of rejection OR the possibility that it’ll lead to unwanted sex.

You and/or your spouse are resigned to the myth that once you have kids, careers take off, and life gets hectic, a boring, lackluster sex life is a basic expectation for married couples.

You or your spouse feel anger, shame, resentment, indifference, low self-esteem, or depression because of a lack of sexual fulfillment – it’s either not happening nearly enough or it’s unsatisfying.

You or your spouse have a hesitancy to initiate physical touch with the other because of fear of rejection OR the possibility that it’ll lead to unwanted sex.

You and/or your spouse are resigned to the myth that once you have kids, careers take off, and life gets hectic, a boring, lackluster sex life is a basic expectation for married couples.

If You Answered 'Yes' To Any Question,
Don't Worry - There's Hope!

We are John and April Nixon, and during our 20 years of marriage, we've been counseling couples of all ages and backgrounds and helping them overcome a myriad of seemingly insurmountable challenges in their marriages.

While a lack of sexual intimacy is not the primary reason marriages go through hardships, we've seen that the quality of a couple's sex life is often an accurate barometer on the health of the marriage. 

If we asked you your level of satisfaction with your current sex life and you either responded with a swift, resounding NO or had to think about it for a few moments, a VITAL part of your marriage is unhealthy!

Maybe you and/or your partner have long been making excuses for a less-than-satisfactory sex life:

  • One spouse simply has a much higher sex drive than the other.
  • With the stress of kids, work, church, paying bills, and other obligations, this is the best we can do - it is what it is.  
  • We've had trust/communication issues and they're not going away any time soon, so our intimacy suffers as a result.
  • ​As Christians we're not supposed to... (insert ridiculous, non-Biblical, fake "pleasure-only sex is wrong" narrative here)


  • Your marriage doesn't have to be a daily run-of-the-mill grind just because life is hard!
  • You don't have to wait until holidays and special occasions to be intimate!
  • You don't have to feel ashamed because your spouse doesn't respond to your advances OR because you are unable to fulfill them to the level that they desire!
  • ​You don't have to be resigned to a frustrating, mundane, and/or flatlining sex life in your marriage!

Take Our Free Assessment And See How
You And Your Partner Rank In Total Intimacy!

We measure the strength of a relationship using four metrics that make up what we call Total Intimacy, which is achieved when both partners work together to cultivate acceptance, effective communication and conflict resolution, well-defined relationship roles, and consistent physical intimacy.


Radical Acceptance is recognizing your partner’s uniqueness instead of constantly trying to change them.

God brought you and your partner together so that your differences can complement each other. When you attempt to change your spouse, you lose the benefit of why He led you to each other in the first place.


Relationship Roles pertain to the activities and tasks necessary to keep a household running efficiently.

Through effective communication of agreed-upon expectations, you have the power to identify the roles and responsibilities that work for your unique partnership, even if they don’t align with traditional gender roles.

Communication & Conflict Resolution

Communication & Conflict Resolution involve listening intently in order to understand, expressing, your feelings clearly in order to be understood, and finding peaceful, long-term solutions to disputes.

Most marriages that struggle and even end do so because spouses have not mastered these skills.


Physical Intimacy is the process of fulfilling your spouse sexually and physically without shame.

It comes from the understanding that you and your spouse are indeed one flesh in marriage, and that sex within that union is a gift of God that was created in the beginning. It was not an afterthought; it was designed to be beautiful.

We've put together a dynamic customized assessment in which you and your spouse will (separately) answer questions about your relationship. We'll use your answers to calculate scores for each of these four pillars of Total Intimacy and give you affirmation on the areas where you are strong and practical insight on aspects that need improvement. 

By identifying potential roadblocks in your relationship, you'll ultimately be able to:

  • Discover real intimacy
  • Eliminate shame
  • Increase sexual fulfillment
  • ​Learn about real foreplay
  • ​Enjoy every sexual experience with your spouse


"John and April are phenomenal marriage counselors! They shared valuable, Biblical, practical, and timeless information with us that we will be able to apply at various stages of our relationship. We really appreciated the space they created for vulnerability and transparency. Our experience was fun and we walked away from our sessions ready for a lifetime of love!"
Chelsea & Jordaan
"Pre-marital counseling was critically important to us, but we had two big challenges. First, my wife Amelia and I lived in different cities and neither of us lived in the same city as the Nixons. Second, while I knew the Nixons, Amelia did not and she was new to Adventism. As a result, [she] was naturally anxious about talking about something as intimate and personal as marriage with a couple she did not know and who held beliefs that were still new to her. To our relief, the Nixons not only went out of their way to accommodate the distance challenge, they treated Amelia like an old friend. She felt an immediate connection. By the end of our sessions, we not only felt ready for the challenges of marriage thanks to the great reflection activities and Godly counsel, Amelia felt welcomed into her new faith community. We could not recommend the Nixons more enthusiastically!"
Shema & Amelia
"Pastor Nixon and his wife April did our pre-marital counseling. We loved how they were both very open and honest with us about their own marriage and non-judgmental towards us. Their counsel was biblically based, and as Christians, that was very important to us. The sessions were fun and engaging and we felt much stronger and prepared for life after the wedding because of their guidance."
Andrew & Tiffany
"When we started premarital counseling, we were a little skeptical of doing it virtually with people we had never met. Once we met John and April, we knew we had made the right choice! From the very first meeting we felt comfortable and at ease. They made premarital counseling so impactful. The weekly lessons and homework encouraged deep conversations that lasted well after each session. We can truly say that our premarital counseling with John and April helped build a wonderful foundation for married life."
Scott & Jessica


At best, this assessment might be the spark that saves your crumbling marriage.

At worst, you and your spouse will have a fun time taking this assessment, comparing your results together, and having some additional excuses to be intimate afterwards. 😚

Are you ready to find out how satisfying your sex life and marriage can truly be?


1. Click 'Start Assessment.'
Simply click "START ASSESSMENT" to begin the short assessment. Make sure both you and your spouse take this separately - you will compare results later. You'll be asked to enter a few basic contact details so that we'll be able to send you your detailed results.
2. Watch A Video From Us With Your Custom Assessment Results.
After submitting, you'll receive a custom video from us with your results outlining the areas of your relationship that are strong and aspects that can be improved upon.
3. Check Your Email For Your Detailed Assessment and Follow Our Suggestions
You'll immediately get your results sent to your e-mail with even more details than our video with suggestions on how to rectify the areas of total intimacy that are lower than desired. Commit now to following through on taking steps to improve low scores, even if they only show up for one partner's results and not the other.
4. Join Our Private Facebook Group
Upon registering, you'll get access to a private Facebook community where you can interact directly with John and April and other couples seeking to level up their intimacy. This will be a safe space for us to interact and grow together, gain helpful resources, learn from each other's experiences in our relationships, and collectively take our marriages to the next level.
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